This, then, clearly indicates that the megalithic core of Machu Pic'chu, which comprises about 5-10 percent, is older than the Inca, and may in fact have been made prior to the cataclysmic event of about 12,000 years ago." ― Brien Foerster, Aftershock: The Ancient Cataclysm That Erased Human History Every 12,000 years - or there abouts - our planet suffers a magnetic excursion during which its north and south magnetic poles "wander" and eventually "flip" — this process results in a waning of Earth's magnetosphere which in turn fuels serious climatic events and mid-level extinction events on the ground. The intense explosion rocked Earth about 12,000 years ago, turning sand into glass and unleashing tornado-force winds. Upcoming New Book About The Global Cataclysm Of 12,000 Years Ago Growing scientific evidence is showing us that our planet went through a cataclysmic event about 12,000 years ago that wiped out any major civilization that existed at that time. Only after the Ice Age ended and the current Interglacial began, about 20,000 to 12,000 years ago, the environmental . Pole reversals, despite being cyclical, are not clock like. Local events were often more dramatic, maybe including the Black Sea filling in. The Cataclysmic Break That (Maybe) Occurred in 1950 . #1. He worked till the end of his life in an attempt to discover the mechanism for this tilt, which he correctly calculated to be . Fragments of a comet likely hit Earth 12,800 years ago, and a little Paleolithic village in Syria might have suffered the impact Javier Barbuzano, April 6, 2020 Central Mexico's Lake Cuitzeo contains melted rock formations and nanodiamonds that suggest a comet impacted Earth around 12,900 years ago, scientists say. Cataclysm, Mass Extinctions, and the Consequent Myths Read Later Print According to geologists, in the interval from 10,000 to 8,000 BC, some 35 to 45 species of large mammals became extinct. There is archaeological evidence that they arrived just in time for a truly cataclysmic event. They happen regularly - about every 200k years or so, but this is nowhere near precise and can range . too. Mass extinctions can be defined as species death within a relatively short interval of time. which dated them to between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago, Blackburn said. By David Biello on January 2, 2009 Roughly 12,900 years ago, massive global cooling kicked in abruptly, along with the end of the line for some 35 different mammal species, including the mammoth,. New research, however, might argue in favour of Velikovskian - if not Atlantean? Researchers have made some fascinating breakthroughs studying Greenland's ice sheet lately, including the discovery of two massive, 12,000-year-old asteroid impact craters, which researchers like Graham Hancock point to as the catalyst for the Younger Dryas period - an anachronistic ice age caused by dust and sediment thrown into the atmosphere, which blocked out the sun. The Younger Dryas cooling lasted about 1,200 years, "so a sole volcanic eruptive cause is an important initiating factor, but other Earth system changes, such as cooling of the oceans and more . This lasted roughly 1,200 years. A huge asteroid may have hit the Earth 12,800 years ago causing global climate change and extinction, according to new evidence found in South Africa.. Scientists analysed ancient soil at a site . He believes that the most significant event in humanity's life on the planet is the Great . too. And humans may have been partly to blame for many of those changes in nature, too. It could have from comet fragments, an energetic pulse from galactic center, and/or plasma ejection from the sun. During the last Ice Age (18,000 to 12,000 years ago), and in multiple previous Ice Ages, cataclysmic floods inundated portions of the Pacific Northwest from Glacial Lake Missoula, pluvial Lake Bonneville, and perhaps from subglacial outbursts. The world was having an ice age 70,000 years ago, and all that dust hanging in the . There is nothing in and around the site that is pointing to an age of only 12,000 years. Scientists believe that the only impact stronger than that one is the asteroid that put an end to the dinosaurs about 66 million years ago. Depending where you were on earth, you may have experienced intense fires, flooding, or other conditions. This loss is not evolutionary backsliding, but merely forgetting. With carbon dating at 12,000 years old, it may be a clue to the lost civilization of Atlantis. About 450 million years ago, the Ordovician-Silurian event caused the death of approximately 85 percent of the life in the Earth's oceans. The location attributed to this legendary spot was s. The long-term rate of sea level fall calculation shows that sea levels fell 120 meters in . The older a structure, the less is left of it. New research shows that some 12,800 years ago, an astonishing 10 percent of the Earth's land surface, or about 10 million square kilometers, was consumed by fires. Now we know that this ancient site is around 12,000 years old, it was built by an unknown population and was most likely buried on purpose by its builders. And the biggest of all catastrophes seems to have occurred ca. . Traditional history tells us that the first people who entered North America came across the Bering Sea, from Asia, and migrated South to the continent around 12,000 BC. The research team says it also offers clues into a mysterious disappearance. . In fact, the Hindu Yugas advance the notion that Homo Sapiens are millions of years old, and have lived onplanet Earth through a series of rebirths.It's now a fact that we are the survivors of a series of cataclysmic events that took place approximately 12,000 to 14,000 years ago. I wondered this is what happened to our ancestors in the past. "A" is the oldest, "D" is the youngest. Some of these struck the Earth causing a global cataclysm on a . Scientists think that a cluster of comet shards may have smashed into Earth's surface 13,000 years ago, in the most catastrophic impact since the Chicxulub event killed off Earth's large dinosaurs . This evidence has led scientists to believe that a comet plunged through Earth's atmosphere and exploded over the Atacama Desert around 12,000 years ago. It is hard to picture just 12 000 years ago earth was at the end of the last Ice Age. Megalithic structures are a powerful indication that technology can be gained and lost over time. About 12,000 years ago, we drove a huge . This goes back the diehold guys early 70's/60's woo about his 'universal clock rate'. Catastrophe Or Not, Consideration and Planning For 2022 . In Fingerprints of the Gods in 1995, I made a very clear statement that my evidence suggested very strongly that there had been a global cataclysm somewhere around 12,500 years ago - 10,500 BC…that was the central figure in Fingerprints of the Gods that there had been this event, but I couldn't really say exactly what the event was. The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis (YDIH) or Clovis comet hypothesis posits that fragments of a large (more than 4 kilometers in diameter), disintegrating asteroid or comet struck North America, South America, Europe, and western Asia around 12,850 years ago, coinciding with the beginning of the Younger Dryas cooling event. One of the three ships has been excavated and found to have many smaller spacecraft inside. The Younger Dryas stadial, also referred to as the Big Freeze, was a geologically brief (1,300 ± 70 years) period of cold climatic conditions and drought which occurred between approximately 12,800 and 11,500 years BP. Ancient symbols carved into stone at an archaeological site in Turkey tell the story of a devastating comet impact that triggered a mini ice age more than 13,000 years ago, scientists believe.. The Pre-Adamite civilization, at least that portion of it based in Antarctica, had been flash frozen in a cataclysmic event that had occurred roughly 12,000 years ago. "Edgar Cayce was Right, 2046 Earth Changes. Sea levels declined to the lowest levels during stage 2 that occurred between 13,000 and 20,000 years ago. Its purpose is unknown but it has been speculated it was to hide from some type of cataclysm or invaders. But 11,000 years ago, what we know today as the world's largest hot desert would've been unrecognizable. The Younger Dryas stadial is thought to have been caused . posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 11:13 AM link . Syyenergy7 on Youtube recently put out a video focused on Douglas Vogt's theory that the universe is a computer matrix which experiences a clock cycle resynchronization event (utter catastrophe and polar reversal on Earth) with the next pole shift catastrophe is due in 2046. it is clear now that some of the largest fragments of the comet hit the north american ice cap, which was still a mile deep 12,800 years ago, and caused cataclysmic flooding (i had the opportunity to explore some of the extraordinary effects of this on the ground in september 2014 when i drove from portland, oregon, to minneapolis, minnesota, … Global sea levels, as the result of rapidly melting polar ice rose by more than 300 feet in a very short period of time, causing the planet to become unstable.In Egypt, Peru, Bolivia, Lebanon and other locations we see the existence of ancient damaged but very sophisticated . Join Dr. Scoch as we take a dive into the geological evidence he has gathered of this event, the true age of the Great Sphinx, the cycles of time and other ancient clues. This is likely a scientific event that would substantiate the story of Atlantis. It also has huge circular stone doors, massive wells and air vents. (Image credit: Israde et al. As of today, we find a multitude of evidences of the proto-civilization, previous civilization existing 12,000 years ago and more, which was much more advanced than the modern civilization. from the pages of time, these cultures discovered and charted the heavens, developed medicine and. About 12,000 years ago, we drove a huge . An artist's impression of two planet-sized objects colliding, like the event that formed the Moon. Credit: Catastrophism is a dirty word in archaeology. He believes that the most significant event in humanity's life on the planet is the Great . TikTok video from Will Valdez (@awa0360): "the #cataclysmic #events on #Mu began #800,000 #years #ago #Krishna #shalva #nuclear #wepon #ancient #technology#nativeamerican #Egyptian#sumerians". Poets, painters, and travelers have been inspired by the rugged beauty of the Columbia River Gorge - beauty that was shaped in large part by a single series of cataclysmic events that ended just 12,000 years ago. Goode has also been told by his contacts that the most advanced technologies, and the remains of Pre-Adamites themselves have been removed from one archeological site that will . Firstly. Answer (1 of 4): i presume this question is based on some wide-eyed article about some catastrophe caused by such an event. For many years 'catastrophists,' such as German scientist/engineer Otto Muck, argued that a cataclysmic episode—perhaps a hit from a large meteor or comet—about 12,000 years ago led to the destruction of an advanced civilization on Earth, while killing off the woolly mammoths, and sending humanity back to the stone age. Archaeological surveys have shown that the ancient site is around 7,000 years older than Mesopotamia's Fertile Crescent, which has long been heralded as the cradle of civilization. For centuries, . According to the hypothesis about 12,800 years ago the earth was doing well and was suddenly experiencing a deep chill. However, the same scientific world confirms the world underwent a dramatic geological event 12,000 years ago, when these two continents are claimed to have sunk. . Formation of the Moon - 4.5 bya (billion years ago) NASA/JPL-Caltech. Then there was the global Younger Dryas cataclysm 12,000 years ago. Multiple meteor air bursts and/or impacts are claimed to have . That matters, because this was undoubtedly the largest eruption in Antarctica in the last 12,000 years. Moreover, legends of massive floods are told by tribes and nations almost everywhere in the world, which supports the idea of a cataclysmic event. Ancient cultures and religions around the world speak of a cataclysmic event that occurred 12,000 years ago - What Really Happened? There is mounting scientific evidence that our planet was struck by a devastating cataclysm about 12,000 years ago. This age is unsubstantiated by current academia and is based on unscientific methods. America got "nuked" in 12,500 BC! Most people may not realize that a comparable event occurred in the prehistoric period before human civilization arises. polarity reversal on our planet is a fact that scientists have long known, but its mechanism has not been explaine. The BBC states that nearly all life on Earth lived in oceans during this time period. Then — and this is more a conjectural, based on arguable evidence — an already cool Earth got colder. This is called a mass extinction . And then they . A new study published Friday in Science Advances shows that the arrival of humans in Patagonia, combined with a. There is no evidence for mass extinction events on or near pole reversals. Some of the fragments landed all over the world, including Europe and the Far East. A 19-mile wide impact crater was discovered half a mile beneath a Greenland ice sheet, offering scientists and archeologists proof that a mile-wide meteorite impacted the planet's northern ice cap more than 12,000 years ago. Fundamental to the Atlantis hypothesis is the idea that a technologically advanced culture could have existed over 12,000 years ago. One so thoroughly wiped out by a comet strike around 12,000 years ago that nearly all evidence of its existence vanished, leaving only the faintest of traces, including, Hancock thinks, a cryptic. Some 12,8000 years ago, when relatively developed ancient cultures already populated the Earth, our planet went through a kind of "global reset" as an asteroid smashed into the Earth, causing the extinction of a great number of larger animal species and changing the history of the Earth in more ways than one.. It would have taken some time for populations to recover from that event. Although many authors and scientists have speculated that such an event occurred . As best-selling author and researcher Graham Hancock explains it in his book—Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth's Lost Civilization: Near the end of the last Ice Age 12,800 years ago, a giant comet that had entered the solar system from deep space thousands of years earlier, broke into multiple fragments. Homo floresiensis, also known as "Hobbits", survived until around 12,000 years ago. The Younger Dryas climate change event occurred around 12,000 years ago and was more rapid (change of about 5 degrees in a few decades) than the climate change happening today. This happened around 70,000 years ago after "D" became obsolete. The data from White Pond are, however, consistent with the growing body of evidence that a comet or asteroid collision caused continent-scale environmental calamity 12,800 years ago, via vast . While researchers have, for decades, been debating various explanations for these cataclysmic events, . Our ancestors may have been aware of these impending disasters and fled underground shelter, or survived in caves; others may have left the planet, but a huge number perished. The 12068 year clock-cycle… by Philip Coppens Catastrophism For centuries, the greatest catastrophe known to Western . Perhaps superior Atlantean technology is based . The Catastrophe Of 12,000 Years Ago That Erased History 1,135,739 views Jul 26, 2013 6.9K Dislike Share Save Brien Foerster 365K subscribers Subscribe If you enjoyed the content of this video, then. The Cataclysmic Break That (Maybe) Occurred in 1950 . Erased. This torrent of water carves out much of the present-day Illinois River valley, fills this new channel, and also fills the former Mississippi River channel left empty 24,000 years ago as a result of glaciation. Significant evidence of agriculture doesn't appear until the Neolithic Pre-Pottery B, at approximately 10,800 years ago, which is actually consistent with a period . Ice from this episode advanced into Washington about 18,000 years ago, and receded just 10-12,000 years ago. If so, you should realize that just like Internet 'clickbait', you can count on any such article being either complete nonsense or a gross exaggeration of what few (if any) . The Pre-Adamite civilization, at least that portion of it based in Antarctica, had been flash frozen in a cataclysmic event that had occurred roughly 12,000 years ago. The Cataclysm That Erased History 12,000 Years Ago | Beyond Science. But this date has often puzzled archaeologists who place the migration in South America to a much earlier date -- around 32,000 BC. 12,000 years ago. These included a "black mat" layer that coincides with the disappearance of South American megafauna fossils and human artifacts dated to the Pleistocene (12,800 years ago), indicating a severe shift in the climate. This is the story the Younger Dryas event and the megafauna extinction. However, by . unleashed advancements that parallel and, in many . - ideas. Artifacts. In this week's listicle, we will look at 10 of the most important of these turning points in the history of our world. Further support can be found in many . Earth Ancients chronicles the growing (and often suppressed) evidence of known and unknown. Although the most recent magnetic reversal approximately 12,000 years ago did coincide with a crustal plate displacement, conversations I had with Dr LaViolette convinced me that these two phenomena could act independently of each other. Plato or Socrates (it's impossible to tell; Plato attributed most of his stuff to Socrates, but none of Socrates's writings, if he ever actually wrote anything down, survive) made it up. Moreover, he offers extensive supporting evidence that a cataclysmic event (namely a comet hitting the North American ice-caps) occurred 12,800 years ago (and again 11,600 years ago) that all but eradicated this advanced society — which is the same society that Plato referred to in his writings as 'Atlantis,' a lost advanced civilization . Did An Ancient Cataclysm Destroy An Advanced Culture In Egypt 12,000 Years Ago? Second. Each of 600 generations experienced its own deluge as the shore moved inland, often hundreds of miles all told. Major cosmic impact 12,800 years ago Geologic and paleontological evidence unearthed in southern Chile supports the theory that a major cosmic impact event occurred approximately 12,800 years ago The flood is a documented geological event known by geologists as Meltwater Pulse 1B dated at 11,300 years ago. Glacial Lake Missoula was a body of water as large as some of the USA's Great Lakes. One so thoroughly wiped out by a comet strike around 12,000 years ago that nearly all evidence of its existence vanished, leaving only the faintest of traces, including, Hancock thinks, a cryptic warning that such a celestial catastrophe could happen to us. . Our story begins about 17,000 years ago with the creation of the Illinois River by a cataclysmic event known as the Kankakee Torrent. It could be up to 12,000 years old and has at least 18 levels, with over 20 km of tunnels. The now-dessicated northern strip of Africa was once green and alive, pocked with lakes . that the earth tilts 90 degrees during these 12,000 year events. Then, the gods destroyed Atlantis about 9,000 years ago in a cataclysmic event, Plato wrote. There is now ample scientific evidence that a massive global cataclysm damaged our planet about 11,700 years ago. Deception Island's caldera-forming event ejected 30 to 60 cubic kilometres (roughly 7 to . According to Hapgood, around 12,000 years ago the Earth's crust shifted, displacing the continent that became Antarctica from a location much further north than it is today. The most recent (and by all evidence the most extensive) of these glacial episodes is known as the "Vashon" locally, ("Fraser" to the north, and "Wisconsin" to the east). Those fragments rained down fire and brimstone on the earth. The Younger Dryas (around 12,900 to 11,700 years BP) was a return to glacial conditions after the Late Glacial Interstadial, which temporarily reversed the gradual climatic warming after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) started receding around 20,000 BP.It is named after an indicator genus, the alpine-tundra wildflower Dryas octopetala, as its leaves are occasionally abundant in late glacial . It's now a fact that we are the survivors of a series of cataclysmic events that took place approximately 12,000 to 14,000 years ago. During this time, despite some minor short-term rise/fall events, sea levels fell from near modern sea levels to some 120 meters below present. The craters and impressions left behind by the bombardments are now called Carolina Bays . They were able to do and create what we are incapable of doing as of today. Years ago, these scientists recognized changes in the sediment record that were associated with the YDB impact event. civilizations, their ruined cities, and artifacts developed from advanced science and technology. Sea level rose continuously from 20,000 until 8000 years ago, 120 m in all. It never existed. The second cataclysmic event occurred 359 million years ago during the Devonian period. Scientists believe that almost 13 thousand years ago, a stream of debris from an exploding comet hit the Earth or the entire comet did, with the impact causing a catastrophe on a planetary scale. So, much more than just boots are needed to get to the bottom of the cataclysmic events which took place 12,000 B.C. Cappadoccia, the underground city in Southern Turkey is named as a place of refuge. But despite not being liked, it remains a fact that civilisations have abruptly ended. (2012 . one4all. Such large spans of times make these events difficult to comprehend. This explosion scorched the region with . Between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago a comet entered the earth's atmosphere and broke up into thousands of pieces. A moist healing song. Answer (1 of 4): Atlantis is fictional. Einstein wrote that believed we had tilted 12,000 years ago and were near another such event.

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