The tone of the High Priestess tarot card meditation in inverted position is a frenetic pointless action and uselessly expended energy and a state of stress. The High Priestess card is a symbol for intuition, the subconscious mind, mystery and passivity. Sometimes it means emotionality. Lifestyle changes may be required. UPRIGHT: Spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, tradition,institutions REVERSED: Personal beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo The Hierophant Description. The High Priestess reversed is an indication of a need for complete honesty here – not people-pleasing, which may feel easier in the short term, but ultimately does you a disservice in the long run. Furthermore, the reversed Priestess implies a break in belief or faith. Upright, the High Priestess is a mysterious card, both frightening and wonderful. The second card of the Major Arcana, she’s said to represent all things secretive, and intuitive — the personification of that which lies beneath the surface. Advice comes by way of the Two of Wands, as shown here from the Radiant Rider-Waite. Something has been telling you to follow your gut, but you may be ignoring the call. Are you keeping secrets that make you feel less than great? You need time to reflect and listen to the wind and the moon. The High Priestess is the feminine counterpart to The Hierophant. This card may be a sign to take space from this person and create emotional boundaries. You need to be vocal about your needs … In other words, fortune-telling is a forecast. The High Priestess Reversed may indicate that you are not listening to your intuition. This is the ideal time to trust your feelings if something does not seem right, the chances are there is a problem. Are you keeping secrets that make you feel less than great? Knowflake. In relationships this can evoke sexual tension and emotional outbursts which are unexpected. There are many approaches for Psychic Readings. The High Priestess in reverse regarding your financial situation indicates that you don’t have all of the information you need. As the High Priestess in reverse indicates there’s a blockage between you and your intuition, it’s important to first repair your inner guidance before moving ahead. Hold nothing back, not one thing. The forecast for next week is the reversed High Priestess. Secret mishaps, annoyances, and unwise experiences. In the upright, The High Priestess is seen as holy and spiritual but when she reverses she can become loose and wanton. The High Priestess represents intuition, psychic abilities, and spirituality. It's a signal that you're majorly missing something, that your intuition is clogged, and that you're not listening to reason. High Priestess (R) - You are experiencing your inner, intuitive mind - the center of all knowledge, memory and clairvoyant information. The Reversed High Priestess and Money. In relationships this can evoke sexual tension and emotional outbursts which are unexpected. Don’t take it as a sign of distancing yourself from others, but as a reminder of the needed balance between your spiritual and material worlds. High Priestess reversed indicates blocked psychic abilities, and little to no awareness of the subconscious influences on our reality. The priestess makes it clear that your partner has no intention of being active, he chooses a waiting position. Reversed – passion, moral or physical ardour, conceit, surface knowledge. Reveal those hidden truths. Fortune-telling is among the streams of the esoteric direction. Up until now, you have relied on your mind in some … Other people’s opinions and judgement affect you and collide with your own values, which causes insecurity and fear to move forward. The high priestess card reversed may also be a sign that you need to slow down. Seek it, stimulate it with your conscious mind – it contains the answers to all your questions and seeks consciousness arising through intuition, inspiration, art or emotions. Maybe you are too much distracted by material things at the moment and don’t feel your longing for love. You can’t do that when you are always rushing here and there. The reversed High Priestess is about guilt, anxiety, and coldness. The Reversed Position of The High Priestess Tarot Card: Inverted High Priestess Tarot Card (Reversed) The High Priestess Tarot card, when reversed, could mean that you are ignoring the messages of your intuition. Ill-aspected or reversed, The High Priestess speaks about secrecy and information that is being deliberately kept from you. It could also mean that you have gone through a time with a lot of exposure to dangers and gossip. In addition, the reversed High Priestess for women can signify difficulties in discovering their femininity, as well as getting pregnant. I would imagine that the serenity and calmness would be interrupted and the unconscious would come to the surface ripping away the veil. There may be issues with mental health, which can also be clarified with other cards. There has been some kind of quake in the foundation that has shifted levels of confidence, trust, and power. The High Priestess is a divine and intuitive card, representing higher power. She alerts you to a lesson you are learning. The ruling planet of the High Priestess is the Moon and her element is water. When the High Priestess card is reversed in a Tarot reading, it symbolizes ignorance, a lack of understanding, selfishness, and shallowness. Something has been telling you to follow your gut, but you may be ignoring the call. He is also known as the Pope or the Teacher in other Tarot decks and is ruled by Taurus. She teaches The Fool to become spiritually attuned, so that his wisdom may guide him. There’s too many intense feelings coming at her for her to easily sort out which are hers. When reversed, it might indicate blocked intuition, secrets, and disconnect. If you’ve been holding back or hiding out, come out into the light. The High Priestess reversed: Stop looking within – begin considering the outer world. The High Priestess reversed as a person can indicate someone who is disconnected, ignoring their intuition, and putting too much weight on the opinions of others. The High Priestess is tarot card number 2 in the Major Arcana sequence. THE HIGH PRIESTESS REVERSED . In reversal, however, it can be somewhat more difficult for you to see and/or to tap into the powerful, intuitive, and attractive energy that is flowing when the High Priestess appears. The depth turns into superficiality, … Be patient and alert, listen to your instincts and intuition, The High Priestess will make sure the information reaches you, and it often comes from something you hear or are told in passing. The High Priestess suggests you move slowly towards your heart's desire, for now at least you need to be patient. You are hustling around and worrying about external issues and other people’s problems that lead you to negativity. It is possible that you go through dreams with many meanings and you should pay attention to it, since by not listening to you, it is the mechanism that our deep psyche finds to let us know … When I see a reversed card I simply see the energy blocked or inhibited in some way. She is a very likely a YES card. It’s important to emphasize that this isn’t an absence of instinct, but rather one that is present but neglected. The High Priestess tarot card is a powerful and divine character that represents wisdom, sexuality, mystery, and power. It’s a card that typically encourages self-introspection in a vulnerable setting to help you embrace your feminine energy, regardless of whether you’re a man or a woman. The High Priestess in reverse also means there is an absence of intuitive thought or an unwillingness to listen to your intuition. From time immemorial, humankind has wished to know what lies ahead. The Priestess is an empath, currently quite overwhelmed. When The High Priestess is reversed, it suggests you are trying to impose your will on others or earn sympathy. It appears as if you have completely shut down the subconscious in you and have switched your focus entirely to logic and reasoning. We've all heard the saying, "live your truth." You need to focus on your own needs. High Priestess Reversed In the High Priestess tarot card you see a lady wearing a blue robe with a cross on her chest holding the Torah. In other words, fortune-telling is a forecast. As a reversed card, the High Priestess indicates that you - or someone else - have become withdrawn and silent. The High Priestess Reversed which is also explained below for the benefit of our readers. There are difficulties adapting to fresh new ideas. Lovers don’t notice that they lose interest in each other. The High Priestess tarot card, when reversed, can represent the wild urges of passion, a drive that comes from within for no particular reason, and that is particularly difficult to resist or ignore. Reversed The High Priestess cover image. The High Priestess reversed is a tarot card that draws us closer to our wisdom and intellectual ability, while building trust within others. It blots out your interest in ordinary reality, friends, and family -- the connections that hold us fast to our worldly identities. You are not currently inclined to take action or make a decision, unless that decision is to step away from the narrative and instead draw on possibility and instinct. Advice comes by way of the Two of Wands, as shown here from the Radiant Rider-Waite. The reversed High Priestess also suggests in reading that you are an intuitive person who is connected with your inner self but currently you feel the connection is lost. When the High Priestess appears reversed, she asks you to notice any recurring signs or symbols you are receiving. Interpretation for Reversed “The High Priestess” card. You might be ignoring your natural intuition that you really ought to be heeding. The High Priestess is a call to trust in the power of your intuition which means trusting in the power of your soul. This could be as simple as incorporating a daily spiritual practice into your routine or even taking a spiritual retreat. The reversed High Priestess alerts you to stop and listen to yourself and to your inner wisdom. You may be thinking that they want the best for you, but this might not be the case. The High Priestess in a reversed position very often escapes into herself to avoid facing the surrounding material world. What are Psychic Readings The High Priestess Reversed. The High Priestess is tarot card number 2 in the Major Arcana sequence. The High Priestess represents intuition, psychic abilities, and spirituality. Fortune-telling is an uncommon way of looking into the future. There may be issues with mental health, which can also be clarified with other cards. It is the ancient goddess of the female universe who transmits tranquility and wisdom. Secrets need to be spoken out loud. Deep inside we have unlimited stores of information if we would just let our logic aside, but more importantly, place our trust in her.

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