Noise Pollution. Adoption fees rarely break $200 and often include all those post-adoption amenities. This is very to cruel to basically be destroying them just… Each year, it's estimated that more than one million adoptable dogs and cats are euthanized in the United States, simply because too many pets come into shelters and too few people consider adoption when looking for a pet. Buying a pet is not cheap. Too many animals in the household. 90,000 of those are cats. And that does not include the cost of spay/neuter, first vaccinations or microchipping. You’re getting an amazing amount of value for a very small price. They give you unconditional love and can improve a person’s well-being in many ways. Over population. Good Persuasive Speech Topics. Pet lovers all across the world will agree to this statement. About Central Ohio's Programs for Animal Welfare. 1. Adopt a dog or adopt a cat and you'll have a friend for life. Not to mention, there are endless benefits to following the credo “adopt, don’t shop” when it comes to taking in a dog or cat — it costs less, the dog is more likely to be trained, less likely to have health issues, you’ll have bragging rights that you adopted your dog, and so … Shelters and rescues only have so much kennel space. So whether you purchase a tiny puppy or you rescue an abandoned one, the degrees of love will be the same. Many animals end up being put to sleep because they haven't been adopted. Animal sports banning campaigns are not effective enough. You may wonder why people consider adoption. 23% of dogs and 31% of cats are obtained through an animal shelter or the humane society, compared to 34% of dogs and 3% of cats obtained through a breeder. Pets work wonders for your body, soul, and mind. Dr. Greenway explains why you should adopt a pet first if you’re looking to add a new companion to your life. When you adopt an animal you basically save it and give it a home. In just the United States of America, more than two million dogs are available for adoption on a … “I had a German Shepherd growing up.”. These are just a few of the many reasons why families should adopt a dog! Conclusion. Let's say you are going to adopt an animal from a shelter. 2. Shelter animals are grateful, amazing companions. IV. 1. Define what audience your essay is directed to; whether most of your audience. 2. Make sure your argument is definite. 3. Research your topic about adopting a dog well. To make your claim stronger, your arguments should be clear and supported be real examples. A Speech on “What is better: buying pets or adoption?”. Here are eight reasons why you should consider becoming a foster parent. Dog adoption and cat adoption saves lives. 1. Buying a pet is not cheap. Just think about all those videos of children getting a dog—that happiness is genuine. It can also increase your overall mood. Why you Should Adopt a Pet! Top reasons to adopt pets. Though there is a shortage of space, there is ever growing population of homeless pets. Adopting from a shelter helps weaken the pet overpopulation cycle. A National Institute of Health study found that dogs play an important role in the physical activity of their owners. Every person deserves to be happy and to have things that bring them joy, thus, you find what could change your life for the better. 1. Studies show that having a pet improve your mood and reduce stress. There are many other reasons why a shelter needs foster parents for dogs, including: Young puppies may need time before they can be adopted. Some of the common examples include monkeys, bears, tigers, pythons, wild dogs, leopards, and skunks. A. 2. Many people who have bought pets from breeders and from shelters say that the ‘rescued’ animal acts more affectionately towards its master. Adopting a pet means more space in shelters (SOMMAI / Shutterstock) 5. My first pet, once I bought my own home, was a purebred cat. Persuasive Speech On Adoption Cheapenglishhelpessay Loan. As mentioned above, 2.7 million animals are euthanized each year due largely in part to not being adopted within the shelter's allotted time period. When you adopt a dog or cat from the shelter, you are actually saving two lives! The first and foremost reason is that one gets to save a life by choosing to adopt a dog. Persuasive Speech 3-Argument Outline I. Without thinking twice, we can say that pets are a source of immense joy to people. Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that the public is to blame for the pet overpopulation epidemic. About Central Ohio's Programs for Animal Welfare. The cost of adopting an animal compared to buying one is significant. Animal shelters around the world constantly face the threat of overcrowding. This leaves the dogs traumatized and rethinking who they should trust.” If you adopt it’ll help a dog live the life it’s always deserved. This needs to be a 5-6 minute speech. When you adopt an animal you basically save it and give it a home. Sadly, many rescues and shelters are choosing to both import dogs from other states and countries, as well as resell puppy mill dogs. You did not support puppy mills. You support a valuable charity and community institution. 5. You can save an animal from euthanasia. What is more important is the fact that pets can play an important social role in people’s lives. These are just a few of the many reasons why families should adopt a dog! And that does not include the cost of spay/neuter, first vaccinations or microchipping. You buy an animal from a pet store/ other seller. 4. The majority of rescues and shelters also ensure that a dog doesn’t have aggression issues and some level of social training to make them ready for adoption. Moving. Helping a Child Move on in Life. A recent study conducted amongst American pet owners indicated several barriers to adoption as a chosen mode of acquisition . Pathos- Pet Shelters, adopting animalsAdopting a animal is probably one of the best ways to get a pet. Undoubtedly, allergies are one of the top reasons not to get a pet! In my opinion, it looks like a kind of egoism from their side because every animal in a shelter is waiting for love and care from human side. And we’re thrilled that so many folks looking for the perfect pet start their search at the Arizona Humane Society. In as few as six years, one unsterilized pair of dogs and their offspring can produce as many as 67,000 puppies, and in seven years a single pair of cats and their litters can produce almost 420,000 kittens. AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda. Exotic animals are those that are by nature designed to stay in the wild. 2. In conclusion you should adopt a pet rather than buying one because it's less expensive than buying a pet, it saves that pet's life and it fights puppy mills by not giving them any money. 4. Also, one-third of adopters say they recommend it “very often.”. Adoption is a great way to grow a family. Why go to a dog breeder, cat breeder or pet store to buy a dog or buy a cat when you can adopt? When you adopt a dog or cat from the shelter, you are actually saving two lives! Moving. Prices range from $500 to $1,000 or more! The American Heart Association reports that the physical exercise you get with playtime and walking your dog attributes to the following: Boosts Immunity. Because you'll save a life. When you adopt, you become part of the solution. 1.6 million of those are cats. The biggest motto to remember here is “Money can’t buy you happiness”. Adopting is more affordable. Most shelters charge a modest fee to adopt a pet, and this typically includes sterilization and veterinary care. Attention Getter: Have you ever walked through an animal shelter and seen hundreds of animals in cages. Lowers the Risk of Obesity. Sources Cited. Adopt a pet and save a life. One reason that a couple may pursue adoption is if they struggle with infertility. For the sake of the children crying out for help in such centers, I hope that I have helped someone to change their view on the matter of adoption. 1. However, before you head out the door to purchase a puppy from a pet store, take the time to know and understand the truth behind these cute puppies. The most common reasons people actually give up cats and dogs are: 1. Pet Adoption (Persuasive Essay) Best Reasons for Adopting a Pet Having a dog is a wonderful idea‚ they bring companionship‚ personality and humor to households across the world. When you welcome an abandoned cat or dog into your family, you are leading by example & teaching everyone around you a valuable lesson. You save two lives. A vaccination can cost anywhere from $15 to $30 depending on the type. A lot of individuals do not carefully consider their own particular style of living before they jump into pet ownership. Adoption Persuasive Speech By On Prezi. Cost of pet maintenance. A pet can help around the house and with the little ones. They can also bring life into an otherwise dull home. Though there is a shortage of space, there is ever growing population of homeless pets. E. Preview Statement – T oday, I am going to persuade you that you should adopt your next pet from a shelter rather than buying from a breeder by telling you the financial benefits of pet adoption, the social benefit s of pet adoption, and 16) Here are the top 5 reasons why you should adopt, not buy your pets-FIRST, you'll save a life Top 5 (2) 17) Sadly, between 3 & 4 million dogs and cats are euthanized each year-Simply because too few people adopt from shelters, leading to … When choosing an adult dog, it’s highly likely that they’re already housebroken and have had some level of obedience training. You Can’t Buy Happiness, It Comes To You! Owning a pet can help reduce stress you're feeling amid the pandemic. (Transition: ) II. Thus every home adopting a pet animal can be considered a noble thought. As adoptive parents, if you have an interest in helping a child heal from past grief and pain, whether this comes from abuse, neglect, being abandoned, or orphaned, then you have the right motivations for adopting a child. Certain dogs may not do well in a shelter setting. Pets are playful, lovable, fun with kids and can improve your mood. I hope and believe that as more parents listen it will help them take a greater interest in … Having a pet can teach a child responsibility, learn to care and nurture for others, live longer and happier and helps them learn to get active. Yes, this is the most obvious one. They can help you get healthier. It saves lives, opens up the opportunity for others to save lives, and gives more dogs a second chance! You’re Saving More Than One Life. Many people afraid of to adopt a pet because they do not want to take care of them. BY ADOPTING A PET, YOU’RE GIVING AN ANIMAL A SECOND CHANCE Many pets in shelters or rescues have been abused or neglected by their previous owners. Everyone deserves a second chance, and that goes for animals too. A vet exam can cost about $70 for a dog and up to $130 for a cat. Live. Persuasive speech on why you should adopt a pet from a shelter instead of buying from a breeder. They want to give a child a loving home. A Persuasive Speech On Adopting A Pet 744 Words | 3 Pages Pet Persuasive Speech 1069 Words | 5 Pages Persuasive Speech Essay 736 Words | 3 Pages Persuasive Speech On Puppy Mills 986 Words | 4 Pages Sadly, every community in America requires an animal shelter and rescue organizations. Studies show that having a pet improve your mood and reduce stress. Pathos- Pet Shelters, adopting animalsAdopting a animal is probably one of the best ways to get a pet. Spaying and neutering can run $200 for a dog and $145 for a cat. Those services can cost hundreds of dollars, so when you adopt a pet, you not only save a life, you save a lot of money. 620,000 of those are dogs. You may even be the first to teach your foster pet basic house manners, making them more appealing to potential adopters. To adopt a pet is not an easy decision. Shelter animals are amazing companions with grateful hearts. Dog owners completed significantly more minutes and sessions of walking, compared to people without dogs. E. Preview Statement – T oday, I am going to persuade you that you should adopt your next pet from a shelter rather than buying from a breeder by telling you the financial benefits of pet adoption, the social benefit s of pet adoption, and They give you love, they give you laughter, but above all they give you happiness. Many animals sold in pet stores come from puppy mills. You could be the difference of life and death for an animal, which should be reason enough to adopt, but I will proceed anyway. By adopting, you are helping your pet and all the other animals who need resources from the center. Pets have a way of putting a smile on your face even on the most difficult days. You have a healthy animal. This needs to be age appropriate (18 years). Make sure that if you are getting a pet soon, you don't buy from puppy mills, and instead adopt a pet from you local shelter. A pet is not a child’s birthday present. Good Essays. Central Idea: In order to control the overwhelming population of homeless pets, we need to stop throwing our “family friends” away. Unplanned litters due to pets not being spayed or neutered. One reason that a couple may pursue adoption is if they struggle with infertility. Adoption is a great way to grow a family. •. Having a pet has taught me lots of things but the main things would be responsibility and how to take care of someone else besides myself. In addition, animals from many shelters are already spayed or neutered and vaccinated, which makes the shelter’s fee a bargain. Purchasing animal tested cosmetics is wrong. She says that generally you'll pay $50 to $150 … Getting a new pet from the adoption system is all around a great thing to do, considering how many dogs are in shelters in the United States at this very moment. I believe this because while I have been growing up I have always had some sort of pet, mainly a dog. Buying a pet can easily cost $500 to $1000 or more; adoption costs range from $50 to $200. Why You Should Adopt. Heartworm testing can cost $15 to $35 for a dog. Persuasive Speech Outline « Pad13001. In this way, every adoption spares two lives. These fluffy cuties will provide you with the desired feeling of comfort and affection. This will probably sound very strange to a non-animal lover but adopted animals tend to be more loving than one bought from a breeder. It goes without saying that when you adopt a rescue pet, you’re saving a life—but you’re actually saving more than one. COPAW supports our community through low-cost spay/neuter and vaccinations, pet adoptions, pet supply & food pantries, and pet care education. According to studies, spending time with your pet can trigger an increased level of oxytocin, also known as the "love hormone." Just think about all those videos of children getting a dog—that happiness is genuine. Pets like dogs are very loyal to their masters and are even called ‘man’s best friend’. You may avoid some veterinary costs by finding your pet in a shelter, according to Sievert. 4 Pages. Foster families are usually the first to find out about the pet’s personality. They don’t care about your looks, your financial status, your social standing, your creed, your race, your age, your state of health. Imagine the opportunity to save the life of an animal. There's never a dull moment in my household. Some dogs need to be socialized before being adopted. One great reason for adopting a pet instead of buying one is that, typically, pets available for adoption from shelters and rescue groups are already spayed or neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. The money you save is that much more to budget for your pet’s needs, such as food, medical care and – hopefully – plenty of treats and toys. You saved yours and other animals lives. Gratitude. There are numerous reasons why one should make the wise decision to adopt a dog. People losing a home or job. You support the inhumane practice of pet stores/mills. The best adoptive families want to help the child start a new life. According to Best Friends Animal Society the most common reasons pets end up in shelters are. Pet adopters passionately recommend shelters/ rescue: 71 percent have already done so, compared to only 41 percent of those acquiring from a breeder, and 21 percent acquiring from a pet store. Shelters and rescues only have so much kennel space. 5. The love you receive from animals is unconditional. An estimated 17 million people will add a new pet to their families this year. This pet could be a house animal like a cat or dog or it could be a farm animal like a horse. It may not be right for everyone, but it can be the perfect way for some to add to their families. See our top 10 reasons to adopt: 1. For a busy family that may not have time to walk a dog daily, a rabbit is exactly what you are looking for. “Labs are good with kids.”. Adoption fees rarely break $200 and often include all those post-adoption amenities. Cats should get annual vaccinations. Mary Is Giving A Persuasive Speech About The Benefits Of. Reasons to adopt a pet. Adopting a rescue animal is a beautiful lesson in compassion. We get it. 3. 3.Adopt one, save two! People that own dogs are always will ing to talk about their pet to anyone who wants to approach them. Having a dog makes you feel special compared to other people, because everyone’ s pet is dif ferent. This can end up resulting in some fun conversations that you and another owner can relate to. The profit is high. You can save time and money (shelters sometimes waive fees for special times/circumstances). Pets have a way of putting a smile on your face even on the most difficult days. A. Saves an animal's life. Landlord not allowing pet. Ban animal fight games. No matter what pet you decide to own – a dog, a hamster, or a snake – they all are attractive to look at. Having a pet can teach a child responsibility, learn to care and nurture for others, live longer and happier and helps them learn to get active. Introduction A. 710,000 animals who enter shelters as strays are returned to their owners. Why Should You Adopt? Owning a dog may raise spirits. Topics covered in this video include shelters, behavior, matching a pet, health, saving a life, benefits of adopting, breeds, history, places to adopt and the relationship between pet and owner. You should adopt a dog instead of buying because: You’re saving a life. Prices range from $500 to $1,000 or more! Persuasive Speech On Adopting A Pet. Fights puppy mills. There are many reasons why you should too. Rabbits are inexpensive and do not require a lot of maintenance. A majority of the students seated here might have pets at their homes. Why You Should Adopt A New Pet Persuasive Speech By River. Pet Adoption (Persuasive Essay) 895 Words. B. These are the main reasons why so many people own dogs. E ach year, about 347,000 dogs and cats are killed annually in our nation's shelters. Beyond the physical activity, mental comfort and consistent emotional support, owning a pet will actually extend your life. 3. As the economy suffers for people, it does the same for animals. They stimulate your sense of well-being. Pets love you no matter what. It may not be right for everyone, but it can be the perfect way for some to add to their families. E. Preview: I am going to discuss why we need to adopt because of overpopulation, where “pet store” dogs really come from, and ways you can help the animals! 3.Adopt one, save two! When you adopt one or more pets from a shelter, you're helping more than just the animals you bring home. Why exotic animals should not be pets? While many shelters do have good intentions and work hard on the behalf of their dogs, this is not always the case. Adopting a dog from a kill shelter and adoption centers can also save a life. Audience Relevance: I’m sure 2. By adopting a cat or dog from a shelter or rescue, you can rest assured that you have not supported the puppy mill industry. A pet can help around the house and with the little ones. Adopting a pet from an animal shelter is much less expensive than buying a pet at a pet store or through other sources. Persuasive Speech Topic: Pet Overpopulation Epidemic General Purpose: To persuade. Rescuing a Pre-Owned Pets. 1. Adopting a pet from a shelter or rescue is a win-win, for you and the pet. It also enables you to have a genuine impact on the problem of pet overpopulation. When you buy a dog from a pet store, you might be supporting a puppy mill. Essay on Pet Adoption. Deciding whether to adopt or buy your next (or even first) pet can be a difficult decision, but given the following reasons to adopt a pet, you should feel confident in making your decision. Each year 8 to 12 million dogs, cats, puppies and kittens are euthanized because there are simply not enough homes for them. The Owner’s personal problems. People feeling they no longer … Puppy Mills – Why we need to adopt dogs from shelters instead of supporting puppy mills Getting a puppy is perhaps one of the most exciting things in a child’s or even an adult’s life. Rabbits are the perfect pets for families for a variety of reasons. A third thought it was fun! This is responsible for the feeling of closeness and increased bonding with your pet. The first life you save is that of the pet you adopt, and each adoption creates space in the shelter for another animal to be rescued. Adopting is more affordable. 6. Dogs recovering from injury or illness may need a safe place to recover. 6. This means shelters and rescues are full of loving, spayed or neutered, vaccinated and often trained pets who are just waiting to meet you! Regulations are low. The IVF process will only allow one parent to be genetically related to the child. Divorce. By adopting, you’re helping make space for another animal in need and helping to give them the opportunity to become beloved pets. 1. Each year 8 to 12 million dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens are euthanized because too many pets come into shelters and too few people to adopt. Shelters and rescue centers are filled and often turn pets away or have to euthanize pets. Pets are playful, lovable, fun with kids and can improve your mood. This is very to cruel to basically be destroying them just… There are not enough homes for all the animals that are born every year. In the article reasons to adopt a pet, Francis Battista states Buying a pet can easily cost $500 to $1,000 or more. They give you unconditional love and can improve a person’s well-being in many ways. Dogs can make the greatest companions, with unconditional love a dog will always be there for you. They include most non-human primates, reptiles, and certain birds’ species. Dogs’ have a jovial type nature and supreme loyalty which is what makes them one of the most popular pets. Next, I will explain how you can adopt. The list of reasons pet lovers choose one breed over another is as long and varied as the dogs and cats themselves. Improves Blood Pressure. According to the article, Ten Reasons to Adopt a Pet: “Dogs were abandoned and abused. If you are ready for the commitment of welcoming a new canine family member into your home, the only responsible way to go about it is to adopt from a reputable shelter. So, one good reason to adopt a child is that adoption creates a way for these couples to become the parents they have always dreamed about being. If someone prefers a quiet and serene environment, then owning a pet is not a very wise decision. In addition, having a walk together, relaxing at home together or being greeted by a happily wagging tail engenders a sense of well-being. 3. Persuasive Speech Adoption – The Right To Know. The topic I have chosen to talk on is why you should adopt a pet from a shelter instead of buying from a breeder. My final speech for my public speaking class in a series of speeches. 4. Fostering increases an animal’s chance of getting adopted. Greater insight as to why people might report that they would consider shelters but do not end up acquiring dogs through this means would be valuable. Besides raising a toddler and babysitting my husband on a daily basis, we have two cats, a bird, a dog, and two fish. But it doesn't have to be that way. Many animals end up being put to sleep because they haven't been adopted. When you adopt a pet from a shelter or rescue, you assist a not-for-profit organization and will send a message to others who will be asking you for years to come where you obtained your adorable pet. Persuasive Speech On Adopting Animals. Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation & its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”. Central Ohio's Programs for Animal Welfare was founded in response to an overwhelming community need for pet related resources. They hope for a second chance, for someone to love them again, someone to bring joy to their lives just like they would the same for us. Animals do not belong in zoo’s. 1. COPAW supports our community through low-cost spay/neuter and vaccinations, pet adoptions, pet supply & food pantries, and pet care education. You go through with the adoption process 1. You help break the cycle of pet overpopulation. Specific Purpose: To persuade my effective speaking class the benefits of adopting a pet over buying one from a breeder or pet store. I sometimes feel like I live in a zoo. Animals don’t belong in circuses or folklore events. B. is the easiest way for you to search for a new pet in Elizabethtown, KY. Support Adoption and Rescue. “I can travel with a Yorkie.”. Central Ohio's Programs for Animal Welfare was founded in response to an overwhelming community need for pet related resources. 16) Here are the top 5 reasons why you should adopt, not buy your pets-FIRST, you'll save a life Top 5 (2) 17) Sadly, between 3 & 4 million dogs and cats are euthanized each year-Simply because too few people adopt from shelters, leading to … You never feel lonely when you have pets. Keeping pets at home helps you combat loneliness and at times pets become very closely associated with their masters and family members. PETS KEEP YOU ACTIVE. You may wonder why people consider adoption. 2.

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