(60) acres of land, more or less, together with the residence, garage, barns and garden used by J. H. Kurth, Jr. for the past ten (10) years, and also the garage building now being used as a pipe storage room, but A property description is valid if it furnishes within itself, or by referencing another existing writing, a way to identify the land being conveyed with reasonable certainty. The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) is the system used in Iowa to identify the location of specific tracts of land for legal and other purposes. . The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) is used in legal descriptions. . Public Land Survey System (PLSS) 4. Statutory Legal Descriptions. The second is a lot and block description. The legal description is often double-indented or set in boldface type to set it apart from the rest of the deed. An easement is a legal right to occupy or use another person's land for specific purposes. The deed will often be captioned "Land Deed," "Property Deed" or "Warranty Deed" at the top (although it does not have to be). Sign up for our upcoming webinar on land surveys to learn more! Learn more about property law with this . 1. Books, such as Writing Legal Descriptions by Gordon H. Wattles, Clark on Surveying and Boundaries by Walter G. Robillard and Lane J. Bouman, Skelton's The Legal Elements of Boundaries and Adjacent Properties by Ray Hamilton Skelton and Black's Law Dictionary with Pronunciations contain material that will Rural land parcels today are usually no larger than about 40 acres. Memorizing the legal description of a land and a building you are about to buy is important. An example of a legal description using the PLSS is given below. INTRODUCTION Many books were used as references in the creation of this course. The legal description pinpoints the location of a given property within its particular township, range, and section. Call for another document 5. A survey would reveal all of the following about a property EXCEPT: a. license. A legal description is used to describe the location of land in legal documents (for example, the deed to your land). The legal description of land follows a set sequence of quarter section . Read the actual deed description. Fractional descriptions use a rectangular system, which the United Stages adopted in 1787, according to the American Bar Association. The ATS is a grid network dividing the province into equal-sized square parcels of land, for purposes of administering legal land title. The general criterion for a legal description is that it alone provides sufficient data for a surveyor to locate the parcel. land in such terms as N (north one-half), SE (south east one-fourth or quarter), etc. The order of importance of conflicting elements. A legal description is a written record of a piece of land containing information that clearly identifies it. Writing Legal Descriptions NYSAPLS Conf January 2018 17 References & Credits: Contd Writing Legal Descriptions -Wesley Parks & Randall Myers, 2009 PSLS Conference Legal Descriptions -Robert Miller, 2014 PSLS Conference Sample plans used in the presentation are submissions to previous PSLS A legal description of real property is a way to accurately pinpoint where a particular piece of property is located. 5. Example: "The North 15 Acres of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section .." Irregularities in sections are dealt with through creation of Government Lots. 6. OR: He can describe a tract of land by dividing the section into fractions. b. a parcel of land is 1/8 mile by 1/8 mile is 40 acres. Sometimes it appears on an attached exhibit . 6. Townships run north and south, and range lines run east and west. Examples of legal descriptions include fractional descriptions, lots of a subdivision, meets-and-bounds descriptions and course-and-distance descriptions. This is based on the survey systems that have been carried out over the past 100 years. If the legal description of property is part of the deed, search for language similar to, "Legal description follows.". Metes and Bounds 3. This allows identification of land parcels when the legal land description is known and understood. The legal meaning of all words and phrases used in land descriptions. The property description must be "sufficient" in order to identify the correct parcel of land. The science of measurements and calculations to prove the correctness of measurements. The actual "land description" defines the 1The policies and procedures for publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER are established by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register. We've identified a particular 640-acre tract of land. 3/29/2016 2 AGENDA LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS BASIC BOOT CAMP 101 9:30 Registration 10:00 Welcome and Introduction - Debbie Wiley 10:10 Overview and Context - Allan Dick 10:30 Basics of Legal Descriptions - Part 1 - History and Types of Descriptions - Lorri Lavelle 11:00 Workshop #1 - Locating Parcels and Use of Equipment - Lorri Lavelle 11:30 Basics of Legal Description - Part 2 . Both metes and bounds and block and lot descriptions are legal descriptions in Texas. A legal description of such a parcel might be, for example, "The NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 5, T3N, R11E, more or less 40 acres." However, a single land transfer may group together a number of parcels, such as "The north half of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 3 West." That is, they use a specific "point of beginning" in the section where the property is located. Writing Legal Descriptions NYSAPLS Conf January 2018 17 References & Credits: Contd Writing Legal Descriptions -Wesley Parks & Randall Myers, 2009 PSLS Conference Legal Descriptions -Robert Miller, 2014 PSLS Conference Sample plans used in the presentation are submissions to previous PSLS However, you also need to know exactly where your property begins and ends. s. 706.05 (2m) (a) as defined as: Metes & bounds require at a minimum the Quarter Section, Section, Township, Range and metes and bounds description associated with the Public Land Survey System or Private Claim or . Locate farms, forest, fields, acreages, oil and gas wells, leases, Legal Subdivisions (LSD), Unique Well . the Public Land Survey System (PLSS). Examples of USPLSS Descriptions:The Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 10, Township 3 South, Range 68 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Arapahoe County, Colorado becomes NE/4 NE/4 ofSection 10, T-3-S, R-68-W,6th P.M., Arapahoe County, Colorado. All maps in this Atlas have the ATS overlaid on them. The legal description of real estate has to cover the parcel of land with accuracy and precision to be easily identified and located. b. a parcel of land is 1/8 mile by 1/8 mile is 40 acres. the following described property, situated in the Parish of Vernon, Louisiana, . Property title information. Use the capitalization and punctuation that is detailed in the examples provided below. Because the earth is round, each section can not measure the total 640 acres. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. These are interrelated. This description provides information that a surveyor can use to identify an area of land on the ground. You can find it on the existing deed that is, the last deed used to transfer the property. The location of known controlling monuments in the area of the description. Legal description provides accuracy and consistency over time. Reports for residential, commercial and other types of Real Estate properties include similar data fields. The legal description is commonly provided in a deed, mortgage, title commitment or other purchase document. The use of the land is limited, and the original owner retains legal title of the land. Property titles do not contain information about the value of . Historical Context for Legal Descriptions. Metes and Bounds A metes and bounds legal description is usually one that was created by a surveyor that finds a starting point and proceeds with directions, angles and distances. 2. c. in each township section 7 is south of section 6. d. there are 36 sections in a township. Strips 7. Example of Section Land Metes and Bounds Legal Description: . N 1/2 SE 1/4 SW 1/4, S24, T32N, R18E The descriptions are generally read from front to back. 9. 7. The date and the names of the parties to the transaction come first, then the legal description. Read your deed and plot the property on the diagram you've drawn. In describing a tract, the quarter section is really the key. See the examples below for an illustration. These documents are prepared after project location and design acceptance is obtained. If so, the body of the deed will usually reference the attached legal description. SEC 14, T2S, R3W, will tell you exactly which 1mi x 1mi square of land a parcel is on. Property Legal Description & Vesting Report This is a sample of a Property Legal Description & Vesting Report. Systems of legal description, in theory, facilitate transfers of . It usually appears on the second or third page of the deed, and may be indented. A legal description is a precise, legally meaningful and binding summary of a property survey. A legal description/land description is the method of locating or describing land in relation to the public land survey system, which was established by law in 1785, under the Articles of Confederation. A legal description is a precise, legally meaningful and binding summary of a property survey. Data . Description. a. a section is 640 acres. Legal Descriptions Format Example Plats Plat Name, Lot #, Block# Sol Bakken Lt 4 Blk 5 Sol Bakken Lt 4-6 Blk 5 Condominium Moorage Slips Name Condo Name, Apt/Unit#, Bldg # Moorage Slip Name Subdivision Description Apt/Unit # under lot Sunford, Unit # J-201 or Court Yard on Madison Unit 205-B . If it is part of an attachment or appendix to the deed, the description will be mentioned in the deed followed by a note on where to find it . A mailing or street address does identify the location of a building, but streets can change names, land can be divided, and sometimes the address won't even match the actual legal property description. Example: The Northeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 23, Range 16, Hennepin County, Minnesota. A metes and bounds describes the boundaries of a property using a system that relies on physical features of the land and geography, such as roads, water features, and prominent landmarks and buildings. For example, a township that is the fourth township north of the baseline and the second township east of the meridian will be designated as "Township 4 North, Range 2 East." That is, they use a specific "point of beginning" in the section where the property is located. A deed in Massachusetts must have several key components. The surveyor can start at a point in this section and run a metes-and-bounds description to identify your 20.02 acres. Senior rights of adjoiners. In Georgia, they describe land identifying the county, district, and land lot, followed by a metes and bounds description of the property or referencing a visual depiction of the property in a plat of survey. We will start with simple legal descriptions. A legally binding easement must be made in writing, the exact location stipulated in the property's deed. Then they draw out the boundaries to connect at . A township is normally a square that is six miles on each side, and is designated by its relationship to where a meridian and a baseline meet. The Section-Township-Range (plus County and State), e.g. Property title records show a property's owners, legal description and the rights and restrictions registered against the property title - for example, a mortgage, easement or covenant. Sample Sections Showing Rectangular Land Descriptions, Acreages and Distances The Best Way To Read Land Descriptions Is From The Rear Or Backwards To Interpret A Land Description - Locate The Area On Your Township Plat, Properties are described in deeds and shown on plats. A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE STATE OF CA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, WITH A SITUS ADDRESS OF 915 REAL ESTATE ST, LOS ANGELES . A plat is an overlay that effectively wipes the slate clean and provides a fresh start for the legal description(s) it creates. There are several types of legal descriptions used to identify and thoroughly describe the property in question: The US Public Land Survey System The lot and block survey system (Subdivision) Metes and Bounds UNIFORM TITLE STANDARD 21.1 - TEST OF SUFFICIENCY OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION If the description of land conveyed in a deed is such that a surveyor, by applying the rules of surveying, can locate the same, such description is sufficient, and the deed will be sustained if it is possible . The legal description at that time had not been updated to include metes and bounds. . DISTRICT LOTS: District lots are the most common of the legal systems found in BC. Sometimes it appears on an attached exhibit . Documents pertaining to real estate require the complete legal description of the property. Land is broken down into areas called townships. Diagram 1. Correction sections are included. Worksheet. By doing a property survey, you will be enlightened about your responsibilities to the land. 28 For a deed to be valid, the legal description must be capable of referring to only one parcel. . You can find it on the existing deed that is, the last deed used to transfer the property. Therefore, the real estate legal definition is usually found in property deeds after the phrase "that certain piece or parcel of land described as followed.". A legal description is the written way of defining the property's location, boundaries, and any existing easements on the property. The "legal description" also defines the use, purpose, encumbrances, and/or time frame (4- dimensional) of the tract(s) being described. 3. A legal description is a written description of where exactly the property is. Then they draw out the boundaries to connect at . Before an adequate description can be prepared the individual writing the description should: The primary purpose of a legal description is to describe a particular parcel of land in a way that uniquely describes only that property, without ambiguity (being vague). In some cases, this legal description can be stated very simply: "Lot 4, Block 8, Mineral Heights, City of Midland, Midland County, Texas.". An illustration of the importance of an adequate legal description appears in Bryant v. Blevins (1994) 9 Cal 4th 47 that accompanies this program (acquiescence or title by agreed boundary doctrine does not apply if public records provide a sufficient legal description). Which of the following is an example of a typical legal description? A legal description of real property will be able to identify, describe, and locate property that is being transferred or rented to another party. For example, Figure 1 is an example of how townships are referenced in relationship to a meridian and base line. This legal description safeguards you in the event that there are any legal disputes that occur from a tenant or after a property is sold. That is, a tract usually is a quarter section, a part of that quarter, or a quarter plus other land. 2 Find the legal description of property. A legal property description is a way of identifying property to ensure complete and legal accuracy. For example, if the affected land had a lengthy metes and bounds description and has since been platted as Lot 1, Block 1, then any conveyance following the recording of the plat will recite "Lot 1, Block 1," and . Acreage legal descriptions Because Sections were theoretically a square mile and should contain 640 acres, descriptions based on acreage are not uncommon. One of these components is the legal description. Lot and Block (See Examples) There are Seven (7) types of legal descriptions You can not sell what you do not own! For example any tract smaller than a quarter section is . August 31, 2013. A legal land description in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta would be defined by the Dominion Land Survey. Townships are for the most part 36 square miles or 6 miles square. S 1/2 SW 1/4) will help you identify where within the Section-Township-Range the parcel is located. The Legal Description System 1. It is used in all states except for the original 13 colonies, the states created from these colonies, and Kentucky, West Virginia and Texas. Without a clear legal description, it is not possible to know what property is being sold or leased or mortgaged. Do not enter Legal Property Descriptions in all capital letters or all lower case letters (use appropriate capitalization). For example, the village of Yarbo, Saskatchewan is located at the legal land description of SE-12-20-33-W1, which would be the South East quarter of Section 12, Township 20, Range 33, West of the first meridian. The township highlighted in Blue would be read as: Two townships north of the Base Line and two ranges east of the Meridian. Legal Description Workshop Presented By: Aaron R. Smith Principal Land Surveyor, Adobe Associates asmith@adobeinc.com 707-541-2300 CA License # 7901 NV License # 17975 UCLS Convention 2013 Writing Legal Descriptions Gurdon H. Wattles Advanced Land Descriptions Paul Cuomo and Roy Minick UCLS Convention 2013 Westbrook, to survey the land forming the property line between lot 76 and lot 77. There are two main types of legal descriptions of property. It is also important that the legal description survives through time, or be composed in such a way that the legal description is not dependent on elements . Asa owned 160 acres with the legal land description of; SE , Sec. For example, you and your neighbor share the same driveway. Real property in the City of Salinas, County of Monterey, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL A, AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN PARCEL MAP FILED FOR RECORD DECEMBER 31, 1985 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF MONTEREY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN VOLUME 16 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGE 126. 4. For example, each township is six square miles, or 23,040 acres, and contains 36 square sections, which are each intended to be one square mile (or 640 acres). INTRODUCTION. Purpose of a Land Description (cont'd) Description Preparation Many problems are encountered in attempting to separate the legal aspects of the deed from the surveying aspects of the description. Land Legal Descriptions A legal description/land description is the method of locating or describing land in relation to the public land survey system, which was established by law in 1785, under the Articles of Confederation. To find the metes and bounds of a property - the actual boundary lines - the surveyor starts at the beginning. Easement. 5 Legal Subdivisions New parcels - Parcel/Block designator with Extension Number (Example: A- Ext. It is the written word that conveys the location of a piece of property. land, as described in" 5. Land is broken down into areas called townships. Iowa Farmland Legal Descriptions . . The remainder of the legal description (e.g. A Legal Description is a written description with the purpose of delineating a specific piece of real property, including Minerals. 90 a distance of 200 feet; thence 180 a distance of 100 feet; thence 270 a distance of 200 feet to. 0) Note: The LAND System will not allow the input of the old type of legal land description for a Legal Subdivision (LS 1622--18-14-W3Mer) so a parcel identifier is required instead.

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